The failing Trump Administration today changed the rules to make it more difficult for many women to obtain birth control.

The Administration has apparently bought into the ridiculous argument that a business should not be forced to pay for insurance which includes birth control because it violates their freedom of religion. By that same logic, they could refuse to pay their employees because the employees might use that money to buy birth control. What about businesses that are opposed to killing? Could they refuse to pay taxes because the government might use their tax money to build a bomb?

Now, here is where logic goes completely out the window:

These are the same people who want to ban abortions. If you make it more difficult for women to get birth control, you will end up with even MORE women who will be looking to get abortions.

If you really want to reduce abortions, make birth control even easier for women to get. I am fairly sure that most women would rather take a pill each day or use some other form of birth control to prevent pregnancy rather than having to submit to a surgical procedure to abort one.

These are also the same people who want to reduce or eliminate children’s health insurance, food stamps, Medicaid, subsidized daycare, and other programs. They want to prevent access to birth control and ban abortions. If they succeed, the result will be more babies born to mothers who will be unable to support them and will no longer have access to government assistance.

If you are really so worried about babies before they are born, why are you not so concerned about taking care of them after they are born?

Personally, I abhor the very idea of abortion. But I also believe it’s not the government’s place to tell a woman what she can do with her body. So what’s the answer?

Why not put in place a system that will reduce the demand for abortions?

First, let’s make sure that birth control is readily and easily available to ANY woman who wants it. That will reduce unwanted pregnancies and subsequently reduce the demand for abortions.

Second, let’s make sure that those women who do become pregnant will be more willing to keep their baby because they know that they will have a path available that will allow them to raise their child in a decent home and adequately provide for that child.

People, THIS IS JUST COMMON SENSE. If you don’t like my suggestions, show me a better one. But taking a position that just makes the entire problem worse is NOT a solution.