January 6th Insurrection

Today we remember January 6th and the insurrection at the Capitol.

Make no mistake: IT WAS AN INSURRECTION.

On that day, armed people violently and unlawfully entered the Capitol with the intention of preventing Congress from doing its Constitutionally required duty of counting the votes from the 2020 election.

They were not there to peacefully protest, as a peaceful protest does not involve violence or breaking the law by unlawfully entering the Capitol.

They were not there to simply visit the Capitol, as lawful visitors do not enter through the windows, violently attack the guards, or interfere with the normal operations of our Congress.

This does not mean that all the protestors were part of the insurrection. Many of those in DC on that day were there to peacefully protest. Those were the ones that stood behind the lines, did not attack the police, and did not break the law.

But the ones who did break the law, and did unlawfully enter the Capitol that day WERE PART of the insurrection. They ARE traitors to our country, and should be charged and sent to prison upon conviction, as many of them have already found out.

We are a republican democracy: WE THE PEOPLE elect the leaders that will represent us. In every election, there are those whose candidates win, and there are those whose candidates lose. No one likes it when their candidate does not win. That’s life. That’s Democracy.

If you do not like the outcome of an election, there are proper procedures in place to object. These can include recounts and other methods authorized under the law. Losing candidates also have the option of turning to the courts for relief as well.

But that’s it.

They do NOT EVER HAVE THE OPTION of violently trying to overturn the results of an election.

Trump and his cohorts used every legal means to contest the results:

They demanded and received recounts in all the close States, sometimes multiple recounts. They lost every one of the recounts as well.

They exercised their rights to appeal to the Courts for relief. Not once, but OVER FIFTY times, including to the Supreme Court, where they lost every time.

They KNEW THEY LOST. They knew this even before the recounts and the court cases. That’s because REPUBLICAN election officials in each of the states where the elections were close TOLD THEM that they lost.

It’s now three years later, and not only have they failed to show any evidence of actual fraud, but all their conspiracy theories have also been totally debunked. The corruption of Trump and his cohorts was so extensive that some of their top lawyers have been suspended, disbarred, and may be heading to prison. Fox News and other media who knowingly spread Trump’s lies and false allegations have been ordered to pay BILLIONS of dollars and damaged and some of them have been bankrupted as well. Many of the traitors who breached the Capitol have been charged, convicted, and are serving their time in prison.

Traitor Trump and his cohorts have attempted to claim that January 6th was just another protest like the ones over racial discrimination and police brutality, and cite the burning of the courthouse in Oregon as an example of such a protest. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THEIR TRICKERY. Those who burned the courthouse need to be charged and sent to prison on conviction. The burning of the courthouse was not a peaceful protest, and was disgraceful.

But here’s the difference: They did not burn the courthouse in an attempt to overthrow the government, or even to stop a specific case from being heard that day.

The bottom line is that those who unlawfully entered the Capitol on January 6th ARE TRAITORS, as are all those who helped plan and organize the insurrection.

We all saw and heard Donald Trump speak at the rally before the insurrection, and only a fool would say that he did not incite and encourage the insurrection. Yes, it’s true that he did say peacefully at one time during the speech, but the overall speech was designed to invoke just the opposite. It’s the totality of his words that count. Remember Marc Antony’s speech in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar: “I come to bury Caesar, not praise him”? Hint: He came to praise Caesar and inspire a revolt, and he succeeded.

Even if you don’t think Trump’s actions at the rally made him a traitor, his actions – or lack of actions – during the insurrection MADE HIM A TRAITOR. As President, Commander in Chief of the military, and chief law-enforcement officer in the nation, he has a CLEAR DUTY to take action and use his powers to STOP the insurrection. He was well aware of what was happening: members of Congress from his own party repeated called and texted him to help them. His own family members also pleaded with him to help. Even Fox News hosts were calling to urge him to take action. He was WATCHING IT HAPPEN live on TV in the White House. Yet he TOOK NO ACTION to stop it for several hours. He even added fuel to the fire DURING THE INSURRECTION by tweeting how Pence “betrayed” him, putting Pence’s very life in danger.

Remember January 6th.

It should be remembered along with December 7th and September 11th not only as one of the darkest days in our country’s history, but as the darkest of those days, because not only did our country come closest to falling that day, but the enemy of our country came from within.

NEVER FORGET THAT. Remember January 6th.

P.S. EVERY member of Congress that voted to reject electoral votes on that day IS A TRAITOR AS WELL. They should have been expelled from Congress, and sent to prison along with the rest of the traitors. This not only includes Jim Jordan and Ted Cruz, but all the other ones who voted to reject as well, including my own representative BEN CLINE.