Politicians on both sides are using inflammatory rhetoric to convince people that our country has failed, and only they can make it great again.

I take great offense to that. America has been, will be, and STILL IS the greatest country on Earth. We may not be #1 on everything. Every country has something special going for it. But it is the totality of our freedoms, our economic prosperity, our diversity, our heritage, and our military strength together that makes this country great.

These candidates are not running for King. They are running for the office of Chief Executive, whose main job is to execute (hence the title, “Executive”) the laws passed by Congress. No one man is going to single-handedly solve all of our problems on Day One. I can’t remember any speeches by any of our greatest leaders ever blanket-condemning the other party. Our greatest Presidents spent their time bringing us together, not tearing us apart.

We do have issues that need addressing. But the only real way to solve any of them is for level-headed people from both sides to sit down together, compromise, and come up with solutions that will work for everybody. A true leader will act as mediator and unite our people, not divide them further.

Sadly, I don’t see a single candidate running today that has 10% of the character and integrity of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Lincoln, Kennedy, or either of the Roosevelts.