I have listened to various politicians and activists push arguments such as “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people”, “We don’t need new gun laws; we just need to enforce the existing ones” and “It’s not a gun problem; it’s a mental health problem”.   But these are not really arguments at all; they are just rhetoric used to deflect the focus off guns.  They are nice sound bites, but do not address the problem and offer no solutions.
“It’s not a gun problem; it’s a mental health problem”   OF COURSE it’s a mental health problem. Sane people don’t walk into schools and start shooting kids.  But that does not mean that we don’t also have a gun control problem.  The two issues are not mutually exclusive.
“Guns don’t kill people; people kill people”.   What a stupid thing to say!   When we say we have a Gun Problem, most people with more than two working brain cells realize we mean that we have a Gun CONTROL Problem. 
“We don’t need new gun laws; we just need to enforce the existing ones”.    For the most part, I agree.  We already have laws prohibiting felons and the mentally ill from possessing guns.  But these laws are not properly enforced.   Universal Background Checks are simply a tool to enforce the existing laws.  They will not prohibit anyone from possessing a gun who is not already prohibited from owning one.


Like all of our rights, our right to bear arms comes with responsibilities as well.  

The Second Amendment is not absolute.   We already prohibit felons and the mentally ill from possessing firearms, even though the Second Amendment does not state that “the rights of the people shall not be infringed, unless they are felons or mentally ill”.
When the founding fathers adopted the Second Amendment, the musket was the height of technology.  You fired once, then had to take 30 seconds to reload before you could fire again.  It was not possible to use one to rapidly kill multiple people.  
School shootings are not something new.  That has been at least one school shooting almost every year for the past 150 years.  But the carnage inflicted by these shootings has increased as weapons technology has improved.


Before we can even attempt to solve the gun control problem, we need to look at the causes.  Most gun deaths can be classified in one of four ways:
Criminals using guns to commit crimes.   If we want to get serious about preventing criminals from getting access to guns, background checks have to be universal.  There can be no exceptions.  All it takes is one loophole.  If criminals can buy guns easily at gun shows, that’s just what they will do.  Why even try to buy at a store when they have a ready alternative?  It’s even easier to buy a gun from someone they know who does not have a criminal record.
Crimes of passion; domestic violence; suicide.   These account for the majority of all gun deaths, and most of these are committed by people with no criminal history.  Criminal Background checks alone would not be effective.  This is where waiting periods come in.  A 30-day waiting period would give a person time to calm down or would give those close to him or her time to recognize the crisis and to intervene before it’s too late. 
Mass Shootings.  While this is the one that gains the most attention, it is also the one that will be hardest to prevent.  Most of these mass shooters plan their crimes well in advance, often months or even years.  Most have no criminal backgrounds. Waiting periods and background checks may prevent a few, such as the church shooting in Texas, but that was an exception more than the rule.  The only way to prevent these types of incidents is for people to pay attention for warning signs and intervene and/or alert authorities.
Accidents.  These are easily the most preventable deaths.  If one wishes to own a firearm, they have the responsibility to learn how to properly use and store their firearms.  Yet there are no requirements for even the most basic training or education before one is allowed to buy such a deadly weapon. 
This illustrates that there will not be one simple solution.  The ultimate solutions will involve addressing each of the underlying causes, and there will not be one-size-fits-all solution that addresses all of the causes.
Ultimately, we will need to come up with a solution that provides:
  1. A way to ensure that felons and the mentally ill do not have access to guns by any means.   This will include  mandatory reporting of all criminal convictions to a central registry.  This registry would also include those deemed mentally ill.  It would also include those who are under protective orders.
  1. A process that allows one to appeal his or her placement on this list to ensure mistakes are not made.
  1. A requirement that one who does purchase a gun understands their responsibilities to properly use and store their weapons.
  1. A waiting period to ensure that violent reactive emotions do not factor into the equation.
Back in November, after the church shooting in Texas, I posted my own ideas on a comprehensive solution.   Read about them here:  https://truerepublican.org/?p=29