We are a democracy, and every person’s opinions and desires county equally.  Most Americans are smart enough to realize that Democracy means COMPROMISE, and COMPROMISE means MEETING IN THE MIDDLE.  No one gets everything they want, but no one walks away empty-handed, either.

Meeting in the middle, of course, means moving toward the CENTER, NOT away from it.

By its very definition, the CENTER represents the median opinion of all Americans, and the goal of both parties should be to get as close as possible to the center. Political parties should NOT be trying to move away from the center.  The farther to one side a party moves, the more it alienates half the population and further divides our country.

Of course, moving to the center will upset the radicals and bigots in both parties. But these radicals and bigots, while vocal and active, DO NOT REPRESENT WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT.  Just look at our recent elections. Almost HALF of all eligible votes DID NOT VOTE.  Why?  Because they did not identify with or agree with EITHER party’s positions.  They did not feel that either party represented THEIR wants and needs.

If you cannot see that compromise is necessary in a democracy, you are part of the problem.  If you feel so strongly about a position that you do not want to bend, it is up to you to convince the other side that you are right and to bring them over to your side.  That is Democracy.  On the other hand, forcing the other side to accept your position without compromise simply because you hold a slight majority is an insult to the spirit of democracy, divides our country, and fuels hate and bigotry.

In the past 10 or 15 years, BOTH political parties have moved AWAY from the center.  The have stopped serving the American People and have instead divided the American People. This is why both Congress and the Presidents have had such low approval ratings.  Republicans such as Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, and Mitch McConnell have pulled the Republican Party far to the right.  Democrats such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are actively advocating moving even farther to the left.  As a result, both parties are just shells of their former selves.  They have no clear vision because they are trying to please radical splinter groups instead of serving the American People.

Neither party realizes that they are doing exactly the OPPOSITE of what they need to do.  The current leaders of both parties are actively trying to move each party even farther from the center, and these leaders need to be voted out of office ASAP because they do NOT represent the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

It is a sign of FAILURE when ANY president or political leader is HATED by the other side.  Our most successful presidents, such as Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Ike, JFK, and Reagan, were admired and respected by BOTH sides, and that is why they were successful.  Even Bill Clinton was able to get legislation passed and balance the budget because he was more centrist than any president who has followed him.

Any hope of ending this political divide rests on at least one party recognizing the need to move toward the CENTER and adapting its platform to do so.  I have always been a republican, but my allegiance will be with whatever party starts acting to serve ALL OF THE PEOPLE.  Right now, neither party is deserving of anybody’s vote.

Ironically, today President Trump showed Congress how it is supposed to be done!  He met with the leadership from BOTH parties this morning, listened to what each of them offered, and supported the one proposed by the Democrats, as their plan would meet the immediate deadlines and offered compromises that both sides should be able to live with.