Carlson and Hannity Caught Lying

I watched multiple episodes of both Tucker Carlson’s and Sean Hannity’s shows this week, and caught Carlson and Hannity lying again!

Good God! How can anyone watch such drivel, let alone actually believe it?

Tucker Carlson’s Shows

Tucker Carlson’s sole purpose seems to be to stir up even more hate, anger, and division in our country. He takes a few seconds each of multiple clips — all taken out of context, of course — and strings them together along with innuendoes, false allegations, and misleading questions to create a completely false narrative.

He spent several minutes on one episode spewing out lie after lie. Then he claimed that his viewers should listen to him because all of the other networks lied. He even has the audacity to say that he would never lie to them!

Sean Hannity’s Shows

The driving theme on both episodes of Hannity’s show was the new “Hillary Clinton Scandal”, which he claimed was going to be bigger than Watergate! His entire narrative was one big conspiracy theory. His lie was based on a couple of paragraphs in a legal filing by Special Counsel John Durham. He even claimed that the Clinton Campaign had infiltrated Trump’s servers while Trump was president.

Both Carlson and Hannity stated that you would only see this story on Fox News since none of the mainstream media would even mention it. This was a particularly hypocritical lie. This story was not only mentioned on the mainstream media, it was CNN and the New York Times that originally reported on the John Durham filing — the week BEFORE Fox News ever mentioned it! To be fair, several of the news broadcasts on the mainstream media that did mention it was in the context of how Fox News was promoting a false story. The original Durham motion was a routine filing that wasn’t newsworthy to begin with.

Of course, it was all lies and bullshit, and was easily debunked within a couple of days.

Hillary Clinton stops them cold!

It’s interesting to note that as soon as Hillary Clinton spoke up and not-too-subtly threatened to sue him for slander when she warned him that his false allegations against her were coming very close to “actual malice“, Hannity (and pretty much all of Fox) — suddenly stopped talking about it! (Actual Malice is the standard of proof needed to successfully sue journalists.)

Even after being debunked, this was the main headline and took up most of the top-center section on Fox News for several days. But now, after Hillary’s threat, it is gone! Once again, Fox shows it’s motivations are profit and greed, truth be damned.

Of course, the fact that we caught Carlson and Hannity lying again is no surprise. Both of them are entertainers; not journalists. They have gone out of their way on multiple occasions to point out that as entertainers and not journalists, they don’t have to follow the ethics of journalism and don’t even have to tell the truth!

For more information on the John Durham Filind, check out this detailed explanation in the New York Times:

It does not matter whether you are a Republican or Democrat; the truth should never be sold. I wrote about this several years ago here: