I am proud of America, and proud to be an American.

Despite being constantly bombarded by news media, Facebook memes, self-interest groups who present only partial-truths, politicians who say only what they think their constituents want to hear, and the self-absorbed political pundits who spin every issue, we must remember that our country is still the greatest place on Earth!

First and foremost, we ARE free! Our freedom to legally practice whatever religion we want, say what we want to say, write what we want, travel and reside wherever in the country we want whenever we desire is unmatched anywhere in the world. We enjoy these freedoms without even giving them much thought. We are able to do this because our military is ready, able, and willing to defend our freedom with their lives.

In every small town and large city, there are stores we can walk into and purchase what we need. Our grocery stores are always fully stocked with more food that we possibly can eat. There are churches of every denomination located within easy reach. Basic and secondary Education is available without charge to every child in the country. With or without insurance, no one is denied basic emergency medical care when needed.

Contrary to popular belief, violent crime rates are at their lowest in the past thirty years. Our Police forces and Fire Departments are made up of dedicated men and women who put their lives on the line every day so that we can sleep soundly at night. Don’t let the occasional bad apple dim your view of the whole carton.

We have two oceans, thousands of beaches, beautiful mountain ranges, hundreds of National & State Parks, wide open prairies, lakes of all sizes, and even some barren deserts. From large cities to small towns, whatever you want is there. So turn off your TV, stop looking at Facebook (after reading this post, of course), take the day, get out and look around at everything our country has to offer!

God Bless America!