Those who promote bigotry and racial hatred disgust me. They are NOT patriots. They are not moral. They are NOT Christians.

The issue in Charlottesville started over the planned removal of a Confederate statue. But Saturday’s demonstration was sponsored by a White Supremacist group. THAT became the focus of the rally. The rally was not about the statue. It was about publicity for the White Supremacists. The very presence of the Nazi flag showed that. If you participated on that side, you supported the White Supremacy cause, and you are NOT A “FINE PERSON”. You are as morally bankrupt as the rest of them. ALL of the people who supported that side disgust me.

Which brings me to my next point: If you WERE there only to protest the removal of the statue, why are you not standing up now and condemning the White Supremacists? Why did you not protest them on Saturday? It was THEIR rally; why were you even there?

I don’t care how good or noble your cause may be. If you need the support of hate groups to get your message across, your cause is lost. If you cannot disavow these hate groups while still promoting your cause, you are weak or morally corrupt yourself. When you fail to disavow a hate group that supports your cause, you sully your own cause, and associate it with the hate groups.

This goes for Donald Trump as well. As soon as David Duke tweeted his comment about them putting him into the White House, he should have IMMEDIATELY disputed that fact and disavowed them.

(I understand that many good and decent people consider those statues a symbol of their southern heritage, and others simply do not want to see history erased or white washed. But these are not the people who were at that rally on Saturday. These are the people who will get up at a City Council meeting and speak intelligently while disavowing the hate groups.)